Rock Rapids Chamber of Commerce
411 First Avenue
Rock Rapids, IA 51246
Phone: (712) 472-3456
Rock Rapids Chamber of Commerce
411 First Avenue
Rock Rapids, IA 51246
Phone: (712) 472-3456
The Rock Rapids Chamber of Commerce strives to enhance the quality of life by implementing programs and services which promote commerce, industry and agricultural interest, enhance the social and cultural environment, and serve to unify the community as a whole.
The Rock Rapids Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens dedicated to the enhancement of the quality of life by implementing programs and services which promote commerce, industry and agricultural interest, enhance the social and cultural environment, and serve to unify the community as a whole. From business to recreation, citywide events to farmers markets, beautifying the town with flowers or promoting the city with Mistletoe Money, the Chamber of Commerce is the center of it all.
The Rock Rapids Chamber of Commerce serves as the chamber of commerce and retail trade association. The Chamber acts as a public relations agency as well. It works to create a favorable, positive image of the community. Acting as an information clearinghouse, all inquiries about the town are answered by the Chamber. People are encouraged by the Chamber to do business with fellow members. The Chamber Director, Angie Jager, works full-time and year-round for the overall improvement of the community and local economy.
A community-wide calendar of events is maintained at the Chamber office. The Chamber coordinates events like the United Fund drive. Directories of community organizations, telephone books, and state maps can be found there.
Responsibility for coordinating the annual Heritage Days celebration is done at the Chamber office with planning done by a steering committee. The Retail Trade Committee also meets at the Chamber office to plan events and promote shopping local.
The Chamber also serves as a legislative voice on issues affecting Rock Rapids, and acts as the center for tourist information, consumer complaints, and newcomer information.
Director – Rock Rapids Chamber of Commerce
(712) 472-3456
The Chamber provides many services to the community including:
Heritage Days
Featured Business Fridays
Retail Trade Promotions
Farmers Markets
United Fund Drive
Much More!
The Chamber also Provides:
New Resident Bags
Chamber Gift Certificates
Weekly Calendar
Eggs & Issues
Business Listing on Website
We are your Tourist Information Center!
Rock Rapids Visitors Guide
Mural Brochures and Postcards
Iowa Travel Guides
State Maps
Local Phone Books
A Wide Variety of Brochures
Executive Director
Angie Jager
Board members:
Anthony Behrends
Brian Eben
Micah Freese
Kim Klaassen
Brooks Metzger
Dan Vander Zee
City: (712) 472-2553
Chamber: (712) 472-3456
Development: (712) 472-4585
Utilities: (712) 472-2511