Flood 2024 Information Center

Town Hall Meeting – Property Acquisition

Town Hall meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 1 at 5:30PM at the Forster Community Building.  Terry Brown with Homeland Security and Emergency Management will be presenting information on property acquisition and will be available for questions.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Property Acquisition – Update

Below is the information we received regarding property acquisition.

The amount of funding available for property acquisition projects is unknown at this point.

Communities can start gathering information to prepare for if/when property acquisition may take place.  Please contact the city office at (712)472-2553:

  1. As a property owner please provide your address if you feel your property is a potential buyout property.
  2. Contact information of each property owner so they can be contacted quickly when information is available.
  3. Whether you have or have had National Flood Insurance (NFIP), on the property.

We are working to set up a town hall meeting to provide further information.  Please watch our website for those updates.

Flood 2024 Information Center

One Day Agriculture Recovery Center – July 30

State, federal and local agencies, in conjunction with farming industry groups, will host a one-day Agriculture Recovery Center in Sioux County on Tuesday, July 30, noon to 8 p.m., to help Iowans recover from flooding and storm damage.

Click Here for more information:  NR010 Ag Recovery Ctr to Open in Sioux Co DR4796IA 07252024


Flood 2024 Information Center

FEMA – Rental Assistance information

FEMA Rental Assistance Available in Iowa
Homeowners and renters may be eligible for FEMA Rental Assistance if they cannot live in their homes because of recent flooding and storms in Iowa.
How to Get Rental Assistance
Ask for Rental Assistance by calling the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 or visiting a Disaster Recovery Center.
You can apply for FEMA assistance if you live in Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Harrison, Humboldt, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O’Brien, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Story, Union or Woodbury counties.
What Is Rental Assistance?
FEMA Rental Assistance can help cover temporary housing costs. You can use this money to rent a place to live, such as a house, apartment, hotel room, RV or other options while your home is repaired, or you look for a new place to live.
What Does Rental Assistance Cover?
 Rental Assistance covers temporary housing while you are unable to live in your permanent residence.
 Rental Assistance can be used for rent, security deposits and the cost of essential utilities (gas, water and electric).
 Rental Assistance can be used for short-term hotel stays while you look for a place to rent.
 Rental Assistance cannot pay for cable or internet.
How Long Does Rental Assistance Support Me?
The initial grant is for two months.
Can Rental Assistance Be Extended?
Yes. Keep your receipts for every month, and you may be eligible for Continued Temporary Rental Assistance for up to 18 months from the date of the disaster declaration.
FEMA Rental Assistance Available in Iowa
What if I have Insurance?
File a claim as soon as possible. Your insurance company will give you a claim settlement or denial document that includes Additional Living Expenses to provide to FEMA.
How to Apply with FEMA
• Visit DisasterAssistance.gov
• Call FEMA directly at 800-621-FEMA (3362)
• Download and use the FEMA app.
• Multilingual operators are available (press 2 for Spanish).
• Anyone using a relay service, such as video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service or others, can give FEMA the number for that service. For an accessible video on three ways to apply for FEMA assistance, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU7wzRjByhI
Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency, or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 833-285-7448.
# # #
FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters


La Asistencia de Alquiler de FEMA disponible en Iowa
Los propietarios de vivienda e inquilinos pueden ser elegibles para la Asistencia de Alquiler de FEMA si no pueden vivir en sus viviendas debido a las recientes inundaciones y tormentas en Iowa.
Cómo obtener Asistencia de Alquiler
Solicite Asistencia de Alquiler llamando a la Línea de Ayuda de FEMA al 800-621-3362 o visitando un Centro de Recuperación por Desastre.
Puede solicitar asistencia de FEMA si vive en los condados Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Harrison, Humboldt, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O’Brien, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Story, Union o Woodbury.
¿Qué es la Asistencia de Alquiler?
La Asistencia de Alquiler de FEMA puede ayudar a cubrir los costos de vivienda provisional. Puede usar este dinero para alquilar un lugar para vivir, como una casa, apartamento, habitación de hotel, RV u otras opciones mientras su vivienda está siendo reparada o busca un nuevo lugar para vivir.
¿Qué cubre la Asistencia de Alquiler?
 La Asistencia de Alquiler cubre la vivienda provisional mientras no pueda vivir en su residencia permanente.
 La Asistencia de Alquiler se puede utilizar para el alquiler, los depósitos de seguridad y el costo de los servicios públicos esenciales (gas, agua y electricidad).
 La Asistencia de Alquiler puede ser utilizada para alojamientos en hotel a corto plazo mientras busca un lugar para alquilar.
 La Asistencia de Alquiler no puede pagar cable o Internet.
¿Cuánto tiempo me apoya la Asistencia de Alquiler?
La subvención inicial es por dos meses.
¿Se puede extender la Asistencia de Alquiler?
Sí. Conserve sus recibos de cada mes y puede ser elegible para la Asistencia de Alquiler Provisional Continua por hasta 18 meses a partir de la fecha de la declaración de desastre.
¿Qué pasa si tengo seguro?
Presente un reclamo lo antes posible. Su compañía de seguros le dará un acuerdo de pago o un documento de denegación que incluye Gastos de Subsistencia Adicionales para proporcionar a FEMA.
Cómo solicitar asistencia de FEMA
• Visite Disasterassistance.gov/es
• Llame directamente a FEMA al 800-621-FEMA (3362)
• Descargue y utilice la aplicación de FEMA.
• Se encuentran disponibles operadores multilingües (presione 2 para español).
• Todas las personas que utilicen un servicio de retransmisión, como un servicio de retransmisión de video (VRS, por sus siglas en inglés), teléfono con subtítulos u otro servicio, deben proporcionarle a FEMA el número de dicho servicio. Para ver un video accesible con tres formas de solicitar asistencia de FEMA, visite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhu-jpdLY1E
La asistencia de recuperación por desastre está disponible sin importar la raza, color, religión, nacionalidad, género, edad, discapacidad, dominio del inglés ni la situación económica. Si usted o alguien que conoce ha sido objeto de discriminación, llame a la línea libre de cargos de FEMA al 833-285-7448.
# # #
La misión de FEMA es ayudar a las personas antes, durante y después de los desastres.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Small Business Administration – ODR&R Disaster Recovery Services


It was a pleasure to meet you this afternoon, thank you again for your time! I appreciate help in informing the residents of Rock Rapids on the services SBA is providing in response to severe storms, flooding, straight-line winds, and tornadoes that struck parts of Iowa beginning June 16th.

The following attached documents pertain to this declaration. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

  1. SBA Fact Sheet (English and Spanish)
  2. Press Release (English and Spanish)

We want to help inform Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, Emmet, Lyon, O’Brien, Plymouth, Sioux, & Woodbury County homeowners, renters, most private non-profit organizations (including places of worship), and businesses of all sizes who may qualify for disaster assistance with SBA for physical damages to their property or our Economic Injury Disaster Loan.  Our Business Recovery Center and Disaster Recovery Centers are staffed with SBA Representatives who can assist survivors with questions, application, upload documents, etc.

The deadline to apply is August 23, 2024, for physical damage loans and March 24, 2025, for economic injury loans. There is a 12-month deferment on our disaster loans with 0% interest and no accrual from the date of your first disbursement along with relocation, mitigation improvements, and refinance options.

Our Business Recovery Center (BRC) and State/Federal Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC) are open and staffed with SBA Representatives who can assist survivors. Below is information concerning the centers operating closest to Rock Rapids

Disaster Recovery Center – Lyon County

Forster Community Center

404 1st Avenue

Rock Rapids, IA 51246

Mondays – Sundays

8:00 am to 6:00 pm CT


Business Recovery Center – Sioux County

Centre Mall
251 N Main Avenue, #212

Sioux Center, IA 51250

Mondays – Fridays
9:00 am – 6:00 pm CT
9:00 am – 1:00 pm CT


Disaster Recovery Center – Sioux County

City Park Shelter House

1013 13th Avenue

Rock Valley, IA 51247

Mondays – Sundays

8:00 am to 6:00 pm CT


Services are also available online at https://lending.sba.gov and via phone at 1-800-659-2955 for further assistance.


In summary, our Disaster Assistance include:

  • Homeowners may be eligible for a disaster loan up to $500,000 for primary residence structural repairs or rebuilding. SBA may also be able to help homeowners and renters with up to $100,000 to replace important personal property, including automobiles damaged or destroyed in the disaster.
  • Businesses of all sizes and private nonprofit organizations may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory, and other business assets.  For small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture and most private nonprofit organizations of any size, SBA offers Economic Injury Disaster Loans to help meet working capital needs.



Flood 2024 Information Center

Northwest Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund – $5,000 Micro-grants

Date 7/18/2024 | For Immediate Release


The Northwest Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund (NWIRHTF) has a limited number of micro-grants up to $5,000 available to eligible homeowners affected by the 2024 floods. Applicants must meet the income requirements of 120% or less of the Average Median Income (AMI) and reside in a county that has been approved under the Presidential Disaster Declaration. These counties include Buena Vista, Clay, Emmet, Lyon, O’Brien, and Sioux Counties in Iowa.

Eligible homeowners must live in and own the home they are requesting funds for or plan to return to the home if they have been displaced by flooding. Applicants are required to have used funds provided by their insurance company and FEMA prior to requesting assistance from NWIRHTF and can show proof of acceptance or denial from these entities.

Assistance may be used for the following, but not limited to: roof repair, windows, siding, electrical upgrades/repairs, plumbing repairs, septic tank repair, HVAC replacement/repair, and handicap accessibility. Eligible applicants can apply as funding is available or until 12/31/24. To request an application, please call Kristin Westerman at 712-262-7225 Ext. 139 or email at Kristin.westerman@nwipdc.org





217 West 5th Street Ÿ Box 1493

Governmental Services Center Ÿ Spencer, Iowa 51301

712/ 262-7225- Planning & SHIELD Division

Fax: 712/ 262-7665



Flood 2024 Information Center

August 4 – Last Day roll off dumpsters will be available at the City Shop

The City of Rock Rapids will continue to have roll off dumpsters at the city shop until August 4.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Applications are open for the Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program!

Iowa Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program Now Available in Lyon County

In response to the recent severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding experienced across Iowa the State of Iowa has launched the Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program for Lyon County.

This program is available to survivors whose homes were majorly damaged, destroyed, or deemed not habitable in counties currently under a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration for Individual and Public Assistance. The program will provide emergency sheltering in travel trailers or recreational vehicles to survivors who are unable to locate rental homes or apartments and agree to the terms and conditions of the program.

Iowans whose primary residence is Lyon County must first apply for FEMA disaster assistance to be eligible for the program. The State of Iowa will determine if the home is majorly damaged, destroyed or not habitable and that it was the owner or renter’s pre-disaster primary residence.

You can register for FEMA Individual Assistance in the following ways:

  • Visit DisasterAssistance.gov
  • Call FEMA directly at 800-621-FEMA (3362)
  • Download and use the FEMA app
  • Visit any Disaster Recovery Center to apply or get application assistance

Homeowners must also have filed a claim with their insurance company and have received final approval or denial of their claim. Applicable FEMA and insurance documentation is requested as part of the application process, including, but not limited to their FEMA Individual Assistance case number.

To apply for the Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program:

Solicitud del Programa de Alojamiento Temporal para la Recuperación de Desastres en español 

  • Call Center Info: Phone Number: +1 608 480 8808

Toll-Free Number: 833 307 6030

Hours of Operation: 7:00 AM -8:00 PM; 7 days a week

TTY and Translation services available


Iowans seeking more information can visit  disasterrecovery.iowa.gov.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Gov. Reynolds announces FEMA’s approval of Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program – Opens Applications

Governor Kim Reynolds ★ Lt. Governor Adam Gregg

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
CONTACT: Heather Nahas, (515) 452-2931,  heather.nahas@governor.iowa.gov

Gov. Reynolds announces FEMA’s approval of Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program, opens applications

DES MOINES – Governor Reynolds today announced that the state’s Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program has received approval from FEMA and applications are now open.


“In the course of eight weeks, Iowa was hit with three extreme weather systems, impacting more than 5,000 homes, of which, it’s estimated that more than 2,000 were destroyed,” said Governor Reynolds. “There is no more urgent need than ensuring displaced Iowans have temporary housing in the communities they call home while they recover and rebuild.”


As the governor announced last week in a press conference, the program provides temporary housing, which may include recreational vehicles and travel trailers, for up to six months at no cost for Iowans whose homes were majorly damaged, destroyed, or deemed not habitable in counties currently under a federal disaster declaration.


The following counties are currently eligible: Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Clay, Emmet, Jasper, Lyon, Montgomery, Obrien, Plymouth, Polk, Sioux, and Story. The recovery process and damage assessments are still ongoing and additional counties may become eligible.


Iowans whose primary residence is in a qualifying county must first apply for FEMA disaster assistance to be eligible for the program. You can register for FEMA Individual Assistance in the following ways:

  • Visit DisasterAssistance.gov
  • Call FEMA directly at 800-621-FEMA (3362)
  • Download and use the FEMA app
  • Visit any Disaster Recovery Center to apply or get application assistance


Homeowners must also have filed a claim with their insurance company and have received final approval or denial of their claim. Applicable FEMA and insurance documentation is requested as part of the application process, including, but not limited to their FEMA Individual Assistance case number.


Applications are open now at DisasterRecovery.iowa.gov. Additionally, a call center will be open beginning Wednesday, July 17, at 3 p.m., to assist Iowans who may not have access to a computer and those who may need general assistance. Beginning Thursday, July 18, the call center will be open daily, including Saturday and Sunday, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. TTY and translation services are available.


To apply for the Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program:

  • Go to iowa.gov to complete an application
  • Call Center: (608) 480-8808 or toll-free at (833) 307 6030
    • Hours of Operation: 7:00 AM -8:00 PM; 7 days a week
    • TTY and Translation services are available

For more information on disaster-related programs and resources available to Iowans, visit DisasterRecovery.iowa.gov.


Flood 2024 Information Center

Commonly asked questions of FEMA – Updated 7/17 Spanish Version

Answers to Questions about FEMA

Iowans affected by recent flooding have asked these questions about FEMA assistance:

Question: If I receive FEMA assistance for flood damage, am I required to carry flood insurance?
Answer: Only homeowners and renters who live in high-risk flood zones, also known as Special Flood Hazard Areas, are required to carry flood insurance – if they accept FEMA Individual Assistance money. Speak with your community’s floodplain manager or go to https://msc.fema.gov/ to find out if your home is in a Special Flood Hazard Area. If eligible, FEMA will purchase up to three years of flood insurance coverage for you. For details, carefully read the letter you receive from FEMA.

Question: How are survivors without a bank account paid their benefits?
Answer: FEMA can pay by check. This is why it is important to give FEMA the address where the survivor is currently receiving mail.

Question: Some people in our community speak Spanish. Are FEMA home inspectors bi-lingual?
Answer: Many FEMA home inspectors are bi-lingual. When applying for FEMA assistance, please tell us your preferred language, so FEMA can provide an inspector to meet your needs.

Question: Does FEMA share information about survivors who are undocumented with other agencies within the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security?
Answer: FEMA does not proactively provide applicant information to law enforcement organizations.

FEMA Civil Rights Office works to ensure assistance is distributed equitably, without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, English proficiency, or economic status. Any disaster survivor and member of the public may contact the Civil Rights Office if they feel that they are the victim of discrimination. FEMA’s Civil Rights Office can be contact toll-free at 833-285-7448. Multilingual operators are available by pressing #2 for Spanish.
FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters.

Respuestas a preguntas sobre FEMA

Los residentes de Iowa afectados por las inundaciones recientes han hecho estas preguntas sobre la asistencia de FEMA:

Preguntas: Si recibo asistencia de FEMA por daños causados por inundación, ¿tengo la obligación de tener un seguro de inundación?
Respuesta: Sólo los propietarios de viviendas e inquilinos que viven en áreas de alto riesgo de inundación, también conocidas como Áreas Especiales de Riesgo de Inundación, tienen como requisito tener un seguro de inundación, si aceptan dinero de la Asistencia Individual de FEMA. Hable con el manejador de valles de inundación de su comunidad o ingrese a https://msc.fema.gov/ (enlace en inglés) para averiguar si su vivienda se encuentra dentro de un Área Especial de Riesgo de Inundación. Si es elegible, FEMA adquirirá hasta tres años de cobertura del seguro de inundación para usted. Para obtener más información, lea detenidamente la carta que recibe de FEMA.

Pregunta: ¿Cómo reciben sus beneficios los sobrevivientes sin una cuenta bancaria?
Respuesta: FEMA puede pagar con un cheque. Por eso es importante informarle a FEMA la dirección en la que el sobreviviente recibe actualmente el correo.

Pregunta: Algunas personas de nuestra comunidad hablan español. ¿Los inspectores de vivienda de FEMA son bilingües?
Respuesta: Gran parte de los inspectores de vivienda de FEMA son bilingües. Al solicitar asistencia de FEMA, informe su idioma preferido, para que FEMA puede proporcionarle un inspector que satisfaga sus necesidades.

Pregunta: ¿FEMA divulga información sobre sobrevivientes sin documentación con otras agencias del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional?
Respuesta: FEMA no proporciona activamente la información de los solicitantes a los funcionarios de ley y orden.

La Oficina de Derechos Civiles de FEMA trabaja para garantizar que la asistencia se distribuya de manera equitativa, sin importar la raza, color, nacionalidad, género, edad, discapacidad, dominio del inglés o situación económica. Los sobrevivientes del desastre y miembros del público pueden comunicarse con la Oficina de Derechos Civiles si creen que han sido víctimas de discriminación. Puede comunicarse de forma gratuita con la Oficina de Derechos Civiles de FEMA llamando al 833-285-7448. Los operadores multilingües están disponibles pulsando #2 para español.

Flood 2024 Information Center


The tree dump is open, you must enter from Third Avenue.  Follow the new gravel back to the Tree Dump.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Grant Opportunity for home owners to assist with repair or rehabilitation up to $50,000.

Good morning, Rock Rapids and Lyon County residents:

This grant opportunity for home owners to help assist with repair or rehabilitation of your home up to $50,000.  Please review to see if  the stipulations are suitable for your need.  Thanks


Program Overview
The Disaster Recovery Housing Assistance Program will provide financial assistance to eligible homeowners affected by recent natural disasters, helping them to expediate repairs to their homes.
Eligible homes must be located in a county approved for federal Individual Assistance following the three presidentially declared natural disasters this spring and summer. These counties currently include Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Emmet, Harrison, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O’Brien, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Union and Woodbury.
*Additional counties may be added. A list of counties, including those approved for FEMA Individual Assistance, as required for this program, is available at disasterassistance.gov.
Application Window
• Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until funds have been exhausted.
• Applications will be reviewed and approved on a first submitted, first ready to proceed basis.
• Incomplete application submissions may be offered a reasonable timeframe to cure those deficiencies.
Eligible Assistance
• Maximum award $50,000 for repair or rehabilitation of the eligible disaster-affected home
• Assistance provided in the form of a forgivable loan, forgiven monthly over five years and secured by a recorded retention agreement. If the homeowner sells the home or the home ceases to be the homeowner’s primary residence before the end of the five-year retention period, the homeowner will be required to repay the remaining loan balance upon the sale of their home.
Eligible Applicants
• Eligible homeowners who have unmet housing recovery needs that fall beyond the scope of insurance coverage and/or FEMA Individual Assistance must meet all the following requirements:
o The disaster-affected home must have been the applicant’s primary, owner-occupied residence as of the date of the disaster and be located in a county declared eligible for FEMA Individual Assistance.
o If the homeowner had insurance coverage covering disaster damage, the homeowner must have filed a claim with their insurance company and received final approval or denial of that claim.
o The homeowner must have registered with FEMA and been awarded some form of FEMA Housing Assistance, which may include assistance for home repairs or temporary housing.
o The homeowner’s disaster-affected home must have sustained damage greater than the damage that is covered by insurance plus any other state or federal disaster-related financial assistance the homeowner is eligible to receive.
o The disaster-affected home must be deemed suitable for rehabilitation by the local program administrator.
o The disaster-affected home is not eligible for buyout or the homeowner is requesting a forgivable loan for repair or rehabilitation in lieu of a buyout.
o The homeowner must be in good standing with the Iowa Department of Revenue.
o Assistance under the program must not duplicate benefits provided by any local, state, or federal disaster recovery assistance program.
Eligible Homes
• Single-family home
• Condominium unit
• Manufactured homes permanently affixed to real property and taxed as real estate
o Proof of flood impact (such as photos) are required
Ineligible Homes
• Homes located within the 100-year floodplain are not eligible for the program.
Eligible Repairs
• Eligible repairs will be limited to those determined reasonable and necessary by the local program administrator to return the home to its pre-disaster condition.
• Assistance provided under the program must be in compliance with all applicable local and state rules and ordinances, including but not limited to, those relating to building codes, zoning, flood plain ordinances, lead-safe renovators and work practices, and asbestos inspection and removal.
Ineligible Repairs
• Repairs to outbuildings, detached garages, boat docks, shoreline restoration, landscaping, repair or replacement of household appliances, clean-up expenses, repairs to a home business or business located on the same site, remodeling to enhance the home’s pre-disaster features, expansion or addition of a deck or porch beyond the pre-disaster footprint other than to enhance mobility accessibility, purchase of personal items or furniture.
Required Documentation
• Copy of driver’s license or other legal form of identification
• Insurance settlement information, if applicable
• FEMA Housing Assistance approval letter
• If seeking reimbursement for eligible expenses, required documentation includes receipts for the purchase of materials, paid invoices from hired contractors who are registered to work in the State of Iowa, and other documentation deemed acceptable by IFA. IFA may verify the accuracy of the submitted paid invoice through verification from the contractor.
Award Process
• Applications will be reviewed for eligibility, duplication of benefits, and if deemed preliminarily eligible, will be referred to a local administrative partner who will be the homeowner’s point of contact for inspections, feasibility for repair determination, scope of work and payment of eligible expenses.
Payment Process
• Assistance may be paid directly to contractors completing the repair or rehabilitation work or to the homeowner as reimbursement for eligible costs incurred.
For questions, please email disaster@iowaeda.com.

Flood 2024 Information Center

FEMA – Helpful Information

Helpful Information

• Iowans in need of assistance with basic needs, physical and mental health, disability services, employment, etc., should visit https://211iowa.org/
• How to Document Flood Damage Insurance Claims (floodsmart.gov)
• Mold Problems and Solutions: If your home was flooded, mold may be present and can pose a health risk. You may see or smell mold on clothing, drywall or furniture, and it may be hidden under or behind items like flooring, appliances or walls. Drying your home and removing water-damaged items is the most important step to repair mold damage. Post-Flood Clean-Up Resources | Iowa.gov Homeowners and Renters Guide to Mold Cleanup after Disasters
• Iowa residents in Clay, Emmet, Lyon, Plymouth and Sioux counties affected by the June flooding, may be eligible for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) benefits. Iowa HHS will have staff on the ground in these five counties July 8-13. To learn more about eligibility requirements and application sites, visit: hhs.iowa.gov/dsnap
• State of Iowa Assistance
• State Disaster New Housing Grant Program: https://www.iowaeda.com/disaster-recovery/new-housing-2024/
• Disaster Recovery Farm Interest Program (DRFIP): https://www.iowafinance.com/disaster-recovery-farm-interest-program-drfip/

Flood 2024 Information Center

Donation Center – Clothing and Furniture – Hours of operation & location updated 7/15

Donation Center hours for the rest of the week:


Flood victims in need of Clothing & Furniture

Today (Monday, July 15) 10AM-2PM

By Appointment only July 16-19 & 22-26

Final Week: July 29-31


CL Elem. Gym (enter from 12th Ave.)

Flood 2024 Information Center

Governor Reynolds announced a $10 million State Disaster New Housing Grant Program for Developers.

Governor Reynolds announced a $10 million State Disaster New Housing Grant Program that will provide financial assistance for the development of for sale and rental housing in cities impacted by the disasters in counties Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Emmet, Harrison, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O’Brien, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Union and Woodbury.*



Flood 2024 Information Center

Rock Rapids is currently approved for A & B categories for FEMA – See list of categories

FEMA Categories: The City of Rock Rapids is currently in A & B categories.


Emergency Work

Category A: Debris removal

Category B: Emergency protective measures

Permanent Work

Category C: Roads and bridges

Category D: Water control facilities

Category E: Public buildings and contents

Category F: Public utilities

Category G: Parks, recreation, and other facilities

Administrative Cost

Category Z: Administrative cost

Flood 2024 Information Center

FEMA Home Inspections in Iowa

FEMA Home Inspections in Iowa

FEMA housing inspectors are working in designated counties inspecting damage reported by people who have applied with FEMA for disaster assistance. Inspectors will call or text first to make an appointment. They will display official photo ID. If it is not visible, it is OK to ask to see it. This helps prevent fraud.
Applicants without insurance may be contacted first. Insured applicants may be contacted for an inspection after they send FEMA a copy of the declarations page from their insurance policy or settlement information.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Citizenship and Immigration Status Requirements for FEMA Assistance

English Version:  FS-Disaster Assistance for Non-U.S. Citizens DR4796IA 07032024

Spanish Version:  SPA_FS-Disaster Assistance for Non-U.S. Citizens DR4796IA 07032024

Flood 2024 Information Center

Sandbags – Drop Off

If you have sandbags that you would like to dispose of, you may drop them off by the City Shop.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Curbside Pickup of Flood Debris

If we have volunteer’s that are willing to pick up flood debris, they will pick it up when they can.  Please be patient with the pick up as it may not happen immediately.  We do have dumpsters at the City shop and you can drop it off there.  We are NO LONGER accepting paint cans.  The city is planning to do a final pickup in the coming weeks with a date to be determined.  Please watch rockrapids.com for those dates.

Flood 2024 Information Center

FEMA Disaster Fraud Information

FEMA Disaster Fraud Information

FEMA is NOT offering to buy houses. If someone is offering to buy your house, they are not working for FEMA.

Additionally, FEMA does NOT have approved contractors for home repairs, construction or debris removal.

After a disaster, scam artists, identity thieves and other criminals often attempt to take advantage of disaster survivors. We encourage survivors to watch for and report any suspicious activity. For additional information visit Disaster Fraud | FEMA.gov.

To report suspected fraud, contact FEMA Investigations and Inspections Division
• Email: StopFEMAFraud@fema.dhs.gov
• Phone: 866-223-0814
• Fax: 202-212-4926
• Mail: 400 C Street SW, Suite 7SW-1009 Mail Stop 3005 Washington D.C., 20472-3005

Disaster recovery websites and social media channels – Updated 7/11(Spanish Version Included)

Disaster recovery websites and social media channels

Please visit these websites and follow on social media for timely and accurate information.

FEMA’s Iowa Recovery Page: fema.gov/disaster/4779 and fema.gov/disaster/4784Download and use the FEMA app

Social Media:
o Facebook, Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:
o X (Formerly Twitter), Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:
o FEMA Region 7: x.com/femaregion7

Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age,
disability, English proficiency, or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated
against, call FEMA toll-free at 833-285-7448. Press 2 for Spanish. If you use a relay service, such as video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service or others, give FEMA the number for that service.


Páginas web de recuperación del desastre y canales de las redes sociales
Visite las siguientes páginas web y síganos en las redes sociales para obtener información oportuna y certera. Páginas web:
• DisasterRecovery.iowa.gov (enlace en inglés)
• Página de FEMA para la recuperación de Iowa: fema.gov/es/disaster/4779 y fema.gov/es/disaster/4784
• Descargue y utilice la aplicación móvil de FEMA
• Las redes sociales:
o Facebook del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional y Manejo de Emergencias de Iowa: Facebook.com/IowaHSEMD
o X (previamente Twitter) del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional y Manejo de Emergencias de Iowa: x.com/IowaHSEMD
o Región 7 de FEMA: x.com/femaregion7
La asistencia de recuperación por desastre está disponible sin importar la raza, color, religión, nacionalidad, género, edad, discapacidad, dominio del inglés ni la situación económica. Si usted o alguien que conoce ha sido objeto de discriminación, llame a la línea libre de cargos de FEMA al 833-285-7448. Pulse 2 para español. Si utiliza un servicio de retransmisión, como un servicio de retransmisión de video (VRS, por sus siglas en inglés), teléfono con subtítulos u otro servicio, proporcione a FEMA el número de dicho servicio.