Tree Dump will be closed on Monday, March 24. Road to the tree dump will be closed down for repairs.
Tree Dump will be closed on Monday, March 24 and will reopen on Tuesday, March 25. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Tree Dump will be closed on Monday, March 24 and will reopen on Tuesday, March 25. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thursday, March 13 – Saturday, March 15
Rock Rapids City Council will be holding a special council meeting on February 28, 2025 at 5:45PM at the Forster Community Building. Please see the agenda on the website for further information.
Saturday, March 29 – 8:30am
Click here for information: Animals at Large
Iowans affected by the severe storms, tornadoes and flooding on June 16 through July 23, 2024, have until Oct. 22, 2024, to apply for FEMA assistance.
Homeowners and renters who received initial rental assistance from FEMA may be eligible for continued rental assistance if they cannot live in their homes because of recent flooding and storms in Iowa.
Click here for more information: FS-FEMA Continued Rental Assistance DR-4779_4784_4796-IA 10102024
Saturday, November 23
The Annual Walk is an opportunity to join thousands of other Iowans statewide in walking for 30 minutes. Workplaces, schools, organizations and cities are all encouraged to register a walk for free!
Being physically active is one of the most important steps that people of all ages and abilities can take to improve their health. Walking is an easy, accessible and affordable way to improve your physical, social, and mental health.
Shop participating merchants for their Fall Open Houses Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
Businesses will be open until 6 pm on Thursday.
No one is BUTTER than you. Thanks for POPPIN’ in and SHOPPIN’ with us!
Pop on in & receive a free pkg of popcorn with your purchase at participating businesses!
If you are still needing to meet with someone at the Disaster Recovery Center, we are asking that you act now. Door to door meetings have been completed. If you want an update, please go to the Disaster Recovery Center. They will only be stationed here for a limited amount of time, and we want to reach everyone who needs/wants to meet face to face with them. After the Disaster Recovery Center is closed, all communications and applications will be done by phone.
Disaster Recovery Specialists are at Forster Community Building in the AB Room (Southeast room) starting Wednesday, July 10, starting at 1:00PM.
See attached link for further information.
Spanish Version:
Hoja informativa diaria – Recuperación en Iowa
El presidente Biden ha firmado una declaración de desastre mayor para los propietarios de viviendas e inquilinos de Iowa en los condados de Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, Emmet, Lyon, O’Brien, Plymouth y Sioux que hayan sufrido daños por las inundaciones y tormentas que comenzaron el 16 de junio y continúan hasta la fecha.
Mensajes clave sobre las inundaciones en Iowa
•Los Centros de Recuperación por Desastre en los condados Clay, Sioux, Emmet y Lyon estarán abiertos de8 a.m. a 6 p.m. todos los días hasta nuevo aviso.
•El plazo para solicitar asistencia se ha extendido hasta el 23 de agosto de 2024 para las tresdeclaraciones por desastre de Iowa. Solicite en línea en
•Los condados Buena Vista, O’Brien y Cherokee se han añadido a la declaración por desastre para lasinundaciones del noroeste de Iowa que fue aprobada previamente por el presidente para recibir fondos deAsistencia por Desastre de FEMA.
•Cuatro refugios están abiertos en el noroeste de Iowa para los sobrevivientes. Las ubicaciones estándisponibles en la aplicación de FEMA .
•Los residentes de Iowa en los condados Emmet, Lyon, Clay, Plymouth y Sioux afectados por lasinundaciones de junio, pueden ser elegibles para los beneficios del Programa de Asistencia de NutriciónSuplementaria por Desastres (D-SNAP, por sus siglas en inglés). Iowa HHS tendrá personal en estos cincocondados de julio 8 al 13. Para obtener más información sobre los requisitos de elegibilidad y los sitios desolicitud, visite: (enlace en inglés).
•Problemas por moho y sus soluciones: Si su vivienda resultó inundada, puede tener moho que representaun riesgo para la salud. Puede ver u oler el moho en prendas de vestir, paneles de yeso o muebles,además, puede estar oculto debajo o detrás de artículos como revestimientos para pisos,electrodomésticos o paredes. Secar su vivienda y retirar los artículos dañados por agua es la medida másimportante para reparar los daños por moho. Recursos para limpieza por inundaciones | (enlaceen inglés)
Guía para propietarios de viviendas e inquilinos para limpieza de moho luego de desastres (enlace eninglés)
Centros de Recuperación por Desastre – Noroeste de Iowa
Spencer – Condado Clay
Clay County Regional Event Center
Pabellón de la puerta de la torre
800 W. 18th St.
Spencer, IA 51301
Abierto todos los días de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m.
Rock Valley – Condado Sioux
City Park Shelter House
1013 13th Ave.
Rock Valley, IA 51247
Abierto todos los días de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m.
Estherville – Emmet County
St. Patrick’s Church – Gym
903 Central Ave.
Estherville, IA 51334
Abierto 1 p.m. a 6 p.m. 9 de julio
Todos los días de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. desde el 10 de julio
Rock Rapids – Lyon County
Forster Community Center
404 First Ave.
Rock Rapids, IA 51246
Abierto 1 p.m. a 6 p.m. 10 de julio
Todos los días de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. desde el 11 de julio
Para ahorrar tiempo, presente su solicitud a FEMA antes de visitar un Centro de Recuperación por Desastre (DRC, por sus siglas en inglés).
August 15 is planned to complete Seal Coat. August 16 will be planned as a rain date.
Click Here for information: 240812 Seal Coat Notice
Click Here for Map: 240812 Revised Pearson Bros Map
Please click below for information on the Rock Rapids Housing Flood Relief Grant.
Click on below document for the Rock Rapids Business Flood Relief Grant.
IowaWORKS will be in Sibley, Iowa on Thursday August 1, from 3:30-5:30PM. Please click below for more information.
Town Hall meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 1 at 5:30PM at the Forster Community Building. Terry Brown with Homeland Security and Emergency Management will be presenting information on property acquisition and will be available for questions.
Below is the information we received regarding property acquisition.
The amount of funding available for property acquisition projects is unknown at this point.
Communities can start gathering information to prepare for if/when property acquisition may take place. Please contact the city office at (712)472-2553:
We are working to set up a town hall meeting to provide further information. Please watch our website for those updates.
City: (712) 472-2553
Chamber: (712) 472-3456
Development: (712) 472-4585
Utilities: (712) 472-2511