Flood 2024 Information Center

Grant Opportunity for home owners to assist with repair or rehabilitation up to $50,000.

Good morning, Rock Rapids and Lyon County residents:

This grant opportunity for home owners to help assist with repair or rehabilitation of your home up to $50,000.  Please review to see if  the stipulations are suitable for your need.  Thanks


Program Overview
The Disaster Recovery Housing Assistance Program will provide financial assistance to eligible homeowners affected by recent natural disasters, helping them to expediate repairs to their homes.
Eligible homes must be located in a county approved for federal Individual Assistance following the three presidentially declared natural disasters this spring and summer. These counties currently include Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Emmet, Harrison, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O’Brien, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Union and Woodbury.
*Additional counties may be added. A list of counties, including those approved for FEMA Individual Assistance, as required for this program, is available at disasterassistance.gov.
Application Window
• Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until funds have been exhausted.
• Applications will be reviewed and approved on a first submitted, first ready to proceed basis.
• Incomplete application submissions may be offered a reasonable timeframe to cure those deficiencies.
Eligible Assistance
• Maximum award $50,000 for repair or rehabilitation of the eligible disaster-affected home
• Assistance provided in the form of a forgivable loan, forgiven monthly over five years and secured by a recorded retention agreement. If the homeowner sells the home or the home ceases to be the homeowner’s primary residence before the end of the five-year retention period, the homeowner will be required to repay the remaining loan balance upon the sale of their home.
Eligible Applicants
• Eligible homeowners who have unmet housing recovery needs that fall beyond the scope of insurance coverage and/or FEMA Individual Assistance must meet all the following requirements:
o The disaster-affected home must have been the applicant’s primary, owner-occupied residence as of the date of the disaster and be located in a county declared eligible for FEMA Individual Assistance.
o If the homeowner had insurance coverage covering disaster damage, the homeowner must have filed a claim with their insurance company and received final approval or denial of that claim.
o The homeowner must have registered with FEMA and been awarded some form of FEMA Housing Assistance, which may include assistance for home repairs or temporary housing.
o The homeowner’s disaster-affected home must have sustained damage greater than the damage that is covered by insurance plus any other state or federal disaster-related financial assistance the homeowner is eligible to receive.
o The disaster-affected home must be deemed suitable for rehabilitation by the local program administrator.
o The disaster-affected home is not eligible for buyout or the homeowner is requesting a forgivable loan for repair or rehabilitation in lieu of a buyout.
o The homeowner must be in good standing with the Iowa Department of Revenue.
o Assistance under the program must not duplicate benefits provided by any local, state, or federal disaster recovery assistance program.
Eligible Homes
• Single-family home
• Condominium unit
• Manufactured homes permanently affixed to real property and taxed as real estate
o Proof of flood impact (such as photos) are required
Ineligible Homes
• Homes located within the 100-year floodplain are not eligible for the program.
Eligible Repairs
• Eligible repairs will be limited to those determined reasonable and necessary by the local program administrator to return the home to its pre-disaster condition.
• Assistance provided under the program must be in compliance with all applicable local and state rules and ordinances, including but not limited to, those relating to building codes, zoning, flood plain ordinances, lead-safe renovators and work practices, and asbestos inspection and removal.
Ineligible Repairs
• Repairs to outbuildings, detached garages, boat docks, shoreline restoration, landscaping, repair or replacement of household appliances, clean-up expenses, repairs to a home business or business located on the same site, remodeling to enhance the home’s pre-disaster features, expansion or addition of a deck or porch beyond the pre-disaster footprint other than to enhance mobility accessibility, purchase of personal items or furniture.
Required Documentation
• Copy of driver’s license or other legal form of identification
• Insurance settlement information, if applicable
• FEMA Housing Assistance approval letter
• If seeking reimbursement for eligible expenses, required documentation includes receipts for the purchase of materials, paid invoices from hired contractors who are registered to work in the State of Iowa, and other documentation deemed acceptable by IFA. IFA may verify the accuracy of the submitted paid invoice through verification from the contractor.
Award Process
• Applications will be reviewed for eligibility, duplication of benefits, and if deemed preliminarily eligible, will be referred to a local administrative partner who will be the homeowner’s point of contact for inspections, feasibility for repair determination, scope of work and payment of eligible expenses.
Payment Process
• Assistance may be paid directly to contractors completing the repair or rehabilitation work or to the homeowner as reimbursement for eligible costs incurred.
For questions, please email disaster@iowaeda.com.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Northwest Iowa Planning & Development Commission – Special Revolving Loan Fund Program for businesses.

Click Here: Information on the Special Revolving Loan Fund Program designed to assist local Businesses.

Flood 2024 Information Center

FEMA – Helpful Information

Helpful Information

• Iowans in need of assistance with basic needs, physical and mental health, disability services, employment, etc., should visit https://211iowa.org/
• How to Document Flood Damage Insurance Claims (floodsmart.gov)
• Mold Problems and Solutions: If your home was flooded, mold may be present and can pose a health risk. You may see or smell mold on clothing, drywall or furniture, and it may be hidden under or behind items like flooring, appliances or walls. Drying your home and removing water-damaged items is the most important step to repair mold damage. Post-Flood Clean-Up Resources | Iowa.gov Homeowners and Renters Guide to Mold Cleanup after Disasters
• Iowa residents in Clay, Emmet, Lyon, Plymouth and Sioux counties affected by the June flooding, may be eligible for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) benefits. Iowa HHS will have staff on the ground in these five counties July 8-13. To learn more about eligibility requirements and application sites, visit: hhs.iowa.gov/dsnap
• State of Iowa Assistance
• State Disaster New Housing Grant Program: https://www.iowaeda.com/disaster-recovery/new-housing-2024/
• Disaster Recovery Farm Interest Program (DRFIP): https://www.iowafinance.com/disaster-recovery-farm-interest-program-drfip/

Fall Soccer 2024

Flood 2024 Information Center

Donation Center – Clothing and Furniture – Hours of operation & location updated 7/15

Donation Center hours for the rest of the week:


Flood victims in need of Clothing & Furniture

Today (Monday, July 15) 10AM-2PM

By Appointment only July 16-19 & 22-26

Final Week: July 29-31


CL Elem. Gym (enter from 12th Ave.)

Flood 2024 Information Center

Governor Reynolds announced a $10 million State Disaster New Housing Grant Program for Developers.

Governor Reynolds announced a $10 million State Disaster New Housing Grant Program that will provide financial assistance for the development of for sale and rental housing in cities impacted by the disasters in counties Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Emmet, Harrison, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O’Brien, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Union and Woodbury.*



Flood 2024 Information Center

PAINT CANS – Last day for drop off at AOP North Lot will be Wednesday, July 10.

Last Day to drop off paint cans at AOP North Lot will be Wednesday, July 10.  We will not collect paint cans after that time.  If you have any on your terrace for pick up, please bring them to the AOP North Lot.

Rock Rapids Swimming Pool will open TODAY! July 9 at noon.

The Pool will be open today at noon!  Thank you for your patience.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Rock Rapids is currently approved for A & B categories for FEMA – See list of categories

FEMA Categories: The City of Rock Rapids is currently in A & B categories.


Emergency Work

Category A: Debris removal

Category B: Emergency protective measures

Permanent Work

Category C: Roads and bridges

Category D: Water control facilities

Category E: Public buildings and contents

Category F: Public utilities

Category G: Parks, recreation, and other facilities

Administrative Cost

Category Z: Administrative cost

Flood 2024 Information Center

Disaster Recovery Center opening 7/10/2024 at 1:00PM (Spanish Version included) – Recovery Specialists available- Lyon County

Disaster Recovery Specialists will be at the Forster Community Building in the AB Room (Southeast room) starting Wednesday, July 10, starting at 1:00PM.  See attached link for further information.

Click here for Disaster Recovery Center Information:  NR004 DRCs Opening in Emmet and Lyon Counties DR4796IA 07082024 (1)

Spanish Version:

Hoja informativa diaria – Recuperación en Iowa
El presidente Biden ha firmado una declaración de desastre mayor para los propietarios de viviendas e inquilinos de Iowa en los condados de Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, Emmet, Lyon, O’Brien, Plymouth y Sioux que hayan sufrido daños por las inundaciones y tormentas que comenzaron el 16 de junio y continúan hasta la fecha.
Mensajes clave sobre las inundaciones en Iowa
•Los Centros de Recuperación por Desastre en los condados Clay, Sioux, Emmet y Lyon estarán abiertos de8 a.m. a 6 p.m. todos los días hasta nuevo aviso.
•El plazo para solicitar asistencia se ha extendido hasta el 23 de agosto de 2024 para las tresdeclaraciones por desastre de Iowa. Solicite en línea en DisasterAssistance.gov/es.
•Los condados Buena Vista, O’Brien y Cherokee se han añadido a la declaración por desastre para lasinundaciones del noroeste de Iowa que fue aprobada previamente por el presidente para recibir fondos deAsistencia por Desastre de FEMA.
•Cuatro refugios están abiertos en el noroeste de Iowa para los sobrevivientes. Las ubicaciones estándisponibles en la aplicación de FEMA .
•Los residentes de Iowa en los condados Emmet, Lyon, Clay, Plymouth y Sioux afectados por lasinundaciones de junio, pueden ser elegibles para los beneficios del Programa de Asistencia de NutriciónSuplementaria por Desastres (D-SNAP, por sus siglas en inglés). Iowa HHS tendrá personal en estos cincocondados de julio 8 al 13. Para obtener más información sobre los requisitos de elegibilidad y los sitios desolicitud, visite: hhs.iowa.gov/dsnap (enlace en inglés).
•Problemas por moho y sus soluciones: Si su vivienda resultó inundada, puede tener moho que representaun riesgo para la salud. Puede ver u oler el moho en prendas de vestir, paneles de yeso o muebles,además, puede estar oculto debajo o detrás de artículos como revestimientos para pisos,electrodomésticos o paredes. Secar su vivienda y retirar los artículos dañados por agua es la medida másimportante para reparar los daños por moho. Recursos para limpieza por inundaciones | Iowa.gov (enlaceen inglés)
Guía para propietarios de viviendas e inquilinos para limpieza de moho luego de desastres (enlace eninglés)

Centros de Recuperación por Desastre – Noroeste de Iowa
Spencer – Condado Clay
Clay County Regional Event Center
Pabellón de la puerta de la torre
800 W. 18th St.
Spencer, IA 51301
Abierto todos los días de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m.

Rock Valley – Condado Sioux
City Park Shelter House
1013 13th Ave.
Rock Valley, IA 51247
Abierto todos los días de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m.

Estherville – Emmet County
St. Patrick’s Church – Gym
903 Central Ave.
Estherville, IA 51334
Abierto 1 p.m. a 6 p.m. 9 de julio
Todos los días de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. desde el 10 de julio

Rock Rapids – Lyon County
Forster Community Center
404 First Ave.
Rock Rapids, IA 51246
Abierto 1 p.m. a 6 p.m. 10 de julio
Todos los días de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. desde el 11 de julio

Para ahorrar tiempo, presente su solicitud a FEMA antes de visitar un Centro de Recuperación por Desastre (DRC, por sus siglas en inglés).

Flood 2024 Information Center

D-SNAP (Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance)

D-Snap gives food assistance to low-income households with food loss or damage caused by a natural disaster.  The following Schedule will start on Monday, July 8.  The site for Lyon County will be the Forster Community Building at 404 First Ave, Rock Rapids, in the West Large Room.

  • Monday 7/8–1:00-5:30
  • Tuesday 7/9–9:00-4:30
  • Wednesday 7/10–9:00-4:30
  • Thursday 7/11–9:00-4:30
  • Friday 7/12–9:00-4:30
  • Saturday 7/13–8:00-11:00 


Flood 2024 Information Center

FEMA Home Inspections in Iowa

FEMA Home Inspections in Iowa

FEMA housing inspectors are working in designated counties inspecting damage reported by people who have applied with FEMA for disaster assistance. Inspectors will call or text first to make an appointment. They will display official photo ID. If it is not visible, it is OK to ask to see it. This helps prevent fraud.
Applicants without insurance may be contacted first. Insured applicants may be contacted for an inspection after they send FEMA a copy of the declarations page from their insurance policy or settlement information.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Citizenship and Immigration Status Requirements for FEMA Assistance

English Version:  FS-Disaster Assistance for Non-U.S. Citizens DR4796IA 07032024

Spanish Version:  SPA_FS-Disaster Assistance for Non-U.S. Citizens DR4796IA 07032024

Flood 2024 Information Center

Sandbags – Drop Off

If you have sandbags that you would like to dispose of, you may drop them off by the City Shop.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Curbside Pickup of Flood Debris

If we have volunteer’s that are willing to pick up flood debris, they will pick it up when they can.  Please be patient with the pick up as it may not happen immediately.  We do have dumpsters at the City shop and you can drop it off there.  Please keep the paint cans and appliance separate.  The city is planning to do a final pickup in the coming weeks with a date to be determined.  Please watch rockrapids.com for those dates.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Volunteer Opportunity DSNAP Program

Volunteer Sign-up Link – https://forms.office.com/g/uC2iAPDEUp

Iowa HHS is in need of volunteers to assist in an upcoming Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) event in response to the floods across North West Iowa. Volunteers will play a crucial role in helping eligible individuals access essential food benefits during this critical time.  I’m asking you to reach out to your current volunteers who might be able to sign up for this opportunity in your area.

Attached is a short position description, and below is a short blurb about the opportunity to send out. The hours needed (in 4 or 8 hour shifts) are:

Are you passionate about making a difference in your community? The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (Iowa HHS) invites you to be part of our Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) event. As a volunteer, you’ll play a crucial role in helping eligible individuals access essential food benefits during this critical time.

Event Details

Event Dates: Daily Monday July 8th – Saturday July 13th

Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 pm & Saturday 8:30-11 am

Length of commitment: Half day and Whole Day shifts are available

Estimated total hours: 4-8 hours per shift

UPDATE: Can volunteer for as many or as little hours/day

WORKSITE:  This event is happening in the following counties

  • Sioux County:        Main Street Plaza: 1129, Main St, Rock Valley, IA 51247
  • Emmet County:     Emmett County Fair Grounds Skateland: 1686 3rd Ave S., Estherville, IA 51334
  • Lyon County:          Forster Community Center: 404 First Ave, Rock Rapids, IA 51246
  • Plymouth County: Le Mars Bible Church: 1550 7th Ave SE, LeMars, IA 51031
  • Clay County:          CrossWinds Church 1900 Grand Ave. #A, Spencer, IA 51301

Volunteer Sign-up Link – https://forms.office.com/g/uC2iAPDEUp



Click Here for the link to more information: DSNAP Event Volunteer PD

Flood 2024 Information Center

FEMA Disaster Fraud Information

FEMA Disaster Fraud Information

FEMA is NOT offering to buy houses. If someone is offering to buy your house, they are not working for FEMA.

Additionally, FEMA does NOT have approved contractors for home repairs, construction or debris removal.

After a disaster, scam artists, identity thieves and other criminals often attempt to take advantage of disaster survivors. We encourage survivors to watch for and report any suspicious activity. For additional information visit Disaster Fraud | FEMA.gov.

To report suspected fraud, contact FEMA Investigations and Inspections Division
• Email: StopFEMAFraud@fema.dhs.gov
• Phone: 866-223-0814
• Fax: 202-212-4926
• Mail: 400 C Street SW, Suite 7SW-1009 Mail Stop 3005 Washington D.C., 20472-3005

Flood 2024 Information Center

Volunteer Dispatch Center updated for 7/3

7/3 Volunteer dispatch for Wednesday 7/3 will be 8AM-2PM.  This will be the last day for the dispatch center at the Forster Community Bldg.  Going forward, you can reach the city office at (712)472-2553 or at 411 First Ave.

We would like to thank all volunteers who have helped in the dispatch center, as well as any volunteers who have given their time to help with flood clean up.  It has been appreciated greatly!  Thank you!


7/2 Volunteer dispatch for Tuesday 7/2 will be 8AM-2PM

6/27 Volunteer dispatch schedule Friday 6/28: 8AM-5PM, Saturday 6/29: 8AM-2PM, Monday 7/1: 8AM-2PM

6/26 Volunteer dispatch for Thursday 6/27 will be 8AM-6PM

6/25 Volunteer dispatch for Wednesday 6/26 will be 10AM-7PM.

6/24 Volunteer Dispatch center will be closing tonight 6/24 at 7PM.  They will open back up tomorrow morning at 8AM-7PM.

6/24 The phone number to reach the Volunteer dispatch center is (712)472-2113.  Currently it is set up to take messages.  If you need volunteer assistance, please call this number and leave a message with your name, address, type of worked needing to be done, and phone number.  We will get your information added to the list.

6/23 There is a volunteer dispatch center set up in the Forster Community Building starting Monday, June 24 at 8AM-8PM.  If you have volunteers who want to help, please send them there to be dispatched.  If you know people who need help stop down at the Community Building to get on the list and we will send volunteers as they are available.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Change Effective 7/2 Location Change Dumpster – Flood Clean Up – Please do NOT dump tree or yard waste here

7/2/2024 – Please no longer dump waste at the swimming pool or AOP parking lot.  Effective on Tuesday 7/2/2024 we will be collecting at the City Shop.  Please do NOT drop off tree branches or yard waste. **Please put waste in the roll off ‘s if they are empty, only dump beside if they are full.**

7/1/2024 – You can continue to use AOP North Lot and the Swimming Pool parking lot for waste.  We are asking that you NOT bring tree branches or yard waste to these areas.  We are working on trying to find a temporary space for tree and yard waste.  Please check back here for any updates.


June 24 update – dumpsters located at Swimming Pool parking lot, and on NORTH SIDE of AOP parking lot.  Please set appliances to the side of the dumpsters.

As of 6PM on Sunday, June 23, all roll off dumpsters have been filled.  We will replenish once more roll off dumpsters are available on Monday.  Check back for updates.

The city will be working with Denny’s Sanitation and Town & Country to strategically place dumpsters around the community.  They are available until filled.  Once filled, you will need to wait until Monday, June 24 to drop anything off when we can replenish with empty containers.

Flood 2024 Information Center

Noon Meal Monday 7/1 and Tuesday 7/2

July 1 – Cooperative Energy will be serving a meal of beef brisket sandwiches from 11AM-until gone at Cooperative Energy Station.

July 2 – Tacos from the Border, taco truck serving meat and cheese nachos from 11AM-1PM at Forster Community Building parking lot


Rock Rapids Flood Distribution Center – Cleaning Supplies and other items

2024 Rock Rapids Flood Distribution Center Info: Open Monday 7/1-Wednesday 7/3 from 11AM-1PM.  Thursday 7/4-Sunday 7/7 Donation Center will be closed.  Will reopen on 7/8

There is an emergency distribution center set up at Central Lyon Elementary Gym enter through doors on the south side to help those impacted by the flood.

In an effort to streamline donations, we are currently only accepting the basic necessities listed below.

If you are in need of items not being collected, please contact Annie McMahon at 605-695-8804. We have volunteers ready to help..

Thank you!


Disaster recovery websites and social media channels – Updated 7/11(Spanish Version Included)

Disaster recovery websites and social media channels

Please visit these websites and follow on social media for timely and accurate information.

FEMA’s Iowa Recovery Page: fema.gov/disaster/4779 and fema.gov/disaster/4784Download and use the FEMA app

Social Media:
o Facebook, Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:
o X (Formerly Twitter), Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:
o FEMA Region 7: x.com/femaregion7

Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age,
disability, English proficiency, or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated
against, call FEMA toll-free at 833-285-7448. Press 2 for Spanish. If you use a relay service, such as video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service or others, give FEMA the number for that service.


Páginas web de recuperación del desastre y canales de las redes sociales
Visite las siguientes páginas web y síganos en las redes sociales para obtener información oportuna y certera. Páginas web:
• DisasterRecovery.iowa.gov (enlace en inglés)
• Página de FEMA para la recuperación de Iowa: fema.gov/es/disaster/4779 y fema.gov/es/disaster/4784
• Descargue y utilice la aplicación móvil de FEMA
• Las redes sociales:
o Facebook del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional y Manejo de Emergencias de Iowa: Facebook.com/IowaHSEMD
o X (previamente Twitter) del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional y Manejo de Emergencias de Iowa: x.com/IowaHSEMD
o Región 7 de FEMA: x.com/femaregion7
La asistencia de recuperación por desastre está disponible sin importar la raza, color, religión, nacionalidad, género, edad, discapacidad, dominio del inglés ni la situación económica. Si usted o alguien que conoce ha sido objeto de discriminación, llame a la línea libre de cargos de FEMA al 833-285-7448. Pulse 2 para español. Si utiliza un servicio de retransmisión, como un servicio de retransmisión de video (VRS, por sus siglas en inglés), teléfono con subtítulos u otro servicio, proporcione a FEMA el número de dicho servicio.

Red Cross offers financial assistance update 7/11(Spanish Version Included)

Red Cross offers financial assistance

The American Red Cross has financial assistance available for people whose primary home was destroyed or is unlivable due to the recent storms and tornadoes. If you have questions about American Red Cross
financial assistance or other services call 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767).

La Cruz Roja ofrece asistencia económica
La Cruz Roja Americana tiene asistencia financiera disponible para las personas cuya vivienda principal fue destruida o es inhabitable debido a las tormentas y tornados recientes.
Si tiene dudas sobre la asistencia financiera u otros servicios de la Cruz Roja Americana, llame al 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767).